Sera Guppy Gran Nature 1.6 oz


Veggie food consisting of slowly sinking soft granules

sera Guppy Gran Nature is the veggie food consisting of gently manufactured soft granules without dyes and preservatives for all herbivorous fish that mainly eat in the middle water layers, such as guppies.

The carefully selected ingredients, such as 4% natural spirulina, support healthy digestion and liveliness.

The easily digestible composition rich in energy optimally fulfills the requirements of guppies and other particularly active fish. The soft, fine granules sink only slowly and become smooth in water, but also keep their shape very well and do not affect water quality.

6 in stock

SKU: 9587 Categories: ,


This product belongs to the “sera Nature” product range, which does not require any dyes nor preservatives. A varied diet with ingredients close to nature is the best protection against deficiencies, and supports the health and liveliness of the fish. The Nature food types therefore contain natural ingredients such as Spirulina, Krill or sustainable insect meal from soldier fly larvae (Hermetia). The signets on the front side of the package highlight these ingredients and their amounts in the food.


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