Benthochromis horii


The fish photographed is one of the males actually available. Wild caught and beautiful, you don’t want to miss out on these. Price is for 1 male and 1 female – not a proven breeding pair of fish.

SKU: *♂♀ Benthochromis horii WILD 6-7" Categories: ,


Geographic Range: Lake Tanganyika, Africa
Diet: Carnivorous; primarily feeds on zooplankton, small crustaceans, and invertebrates.
Average Adult Size: 6-7 inches
Preferred Water Parameters: pH 8.0-9.0, Temperature 75-82°F
Minimum Tank Size: 100 gallons
Acceptable Tank Mates: Other peaceful Tanganyikan cichlids, non-aggressive fish that thrive in similar water conditions. Avoid keeping with overly aggressive species. Provide plenty of open swimming space and hiding spots.